SPPC - Shell Philippine Petroleum Corporation
SPPC stands for Shell Philippine Petroleum Corporation
Here you will find, what does SPPC stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Shell Philippine Petroleum Corporation? Shell Philippine Petroleum Corporation can be abbreviated as SPPC What does SPPC stand for? SPPC stands for Shell Philippine Petroleum Corporation. What does Shell Philippine Petroleum Corporation mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Makati, Manila.
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Alternative definitions of SPPC
- Staples Promotional Products Canada
- Sierra Pacific Power Company
- South Pacific Petroleum Corporation
- Saint Pedro Poveda College
- Saskatoon Prairieland Park Corporation
- Select Pain Procedure Centers
- Saman Parallel Processing Co.
- Sumitomo Precision Products Co
View 16 other definitions of SPPC on the main acronym page
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- SDM Star Die Molding
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- STI Six Trends Inc.
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